The esports market has exploded in recent years, attracting millions of viewers who tune in to watch top gamers compete. By 2025, it’s estimated that there will be over 318 million esports fans worldwide, up from 215.2 million in 2020. Additionally, 322.7 million people are expected to be occasional viewers of esports by 2025.

Most Watched Esports Events

Free Fire World Series 2021

  • Overview: The most watched esports event of all time.
  • Game: Garena Free Fire
  • Location: Singapore
  • Viewership: Millions tuned in to watch expert gamers compete.
  • Prize Pool: Significant sums of money at stake.

The International 2021

  • Overview: The tenth edition of the annual DOTA 2 world championship.
  • Game: DOTA 2
  • Prize Pool: Over $40 million, the largest in esports history.
  • Cumulative Prize Pool for 2021: $47.8 million across all DOTA 2 tournaments.

Esports tournaments attract huge audiences and offer massive prize pools. Events like the Free Fire World Series and The International not only highlight the best in gaming but also drive the growing popularity of esports worldwide. With the number of esports enthusiasts and viewers expected to rise significantly by 2025, the future of competitive gaming looks brighter than ever.

esports popularity

Esports, or electronic sports, have become a huge part of the gaming world. In 2024, many games have gained popularity and attracted large audiences. This guide will go over some of the top esports games of 2024. Each game is unique and offers different styles of gameplay. Here are the most popular titles, with detailed descriptions, to help you understand why they are so loved.

The Theory of Esports Games

Esports, or electronic sports, refers to competitive gaming where individuals or teams compete in organized tournaments and leagues. The rise of esports has been phenomenal, with millions of viewers and significant prize pools at major events. Understanding the theory behind esports games involves delving into several key aspects: game design, competitive balance, player skills, spectator appeal, and community dynamics.

1. Game Design

The design of an esports game is crucial for its success. It must be engaging, challenging, and balanced to maintain a competitive environment. Here are some critical elements of game design:

Skill-Based Gameplay

  • Skill Ceiling: Games need a high skill ceiling, meaning they allow players to continuously improve and differentiate themselves based on skill. This keeps top-tier players engaged and motivates newcomers.
  • Skill Floor: The skill floor should be low enough that new players can start playing and enjoying the game without feeling overwhelmed.

Balanced Mechanics

  • Fair Play: Ensuring that no single strategy or character is overwhelmingly powerful is essential. Balance patches and updates are often used to adjust gameplay and maintain fairness.
  • Meta: The metagame (meta) involves the dominant strategies and playstyles that evolve over time. Developers must monitor and adjust the game to keep the meta dynamic and balanced.

Engaging and Strategic Depth

  • Complexity: Games should offer enough complexity to encourage strategic thinking and varied gameplay. This includes different characters, abilities, maps, and objectives.
  • Tactical Variety: Players should be able to employ multiple strategies to win, making each game unique and unpredictable.

2. Competitive Balance

Competitive balance ensures that all players or teams have an equal opportunity to succeed based on skill and strategy rather than inherent game imbalances. This involves:

Character/Role Balance

  • Variety: Offering a range of characters or roles with unique abilities and playstyles that are balanced against each other.
  • Patches and Updates: Regular updates to tweak character abilities and mechanics based on player feedback and performance data.

Matchmaking Systems

  • Skill-Based Matchmaking: Pairing players of similar skill levels to ensure fair and competitive matches.
  • Ranking Systems: Implementing ranking or ladder systems to track player progress and provide goals for improvement.

3. Player Skills

Successful esports players possess a range of skills that differentiate them from casual gamers:

Mechanical Skill

  • Reflexes and Precision: High-level players exhibit exceptional reflexes and precise control over their in-game actions.
  • Execution: Consistently performing complex maneuvers and actions under pressure.

Game Knowledge

  • Map Awareness: Understanding the layout of maps, including key locations, chokepoints, and advantageous positions.
  • Strategy and Tactics: Developing and adapting strategies based on the evolving game state and opponents’ actions.

Team Coordination

  • Communication: Effective communication with teammates to coordinate strategies and respond to the dynamic game environment.
  • Role Fulfillment: Understanding and executing specific roles within a team, whether as a damage dealer, support, or strategist.

4. Spectator Appeal

The ability to attract and retain viewers is crucial for the success of esports. Spectator appeal involves:

Visual Clarity

  • Readable Action: Ensuring that the game is visually clear so that viewers can easily follow the action. This includes distinct character designs, clear UI elements, and well-designed maps.
  • Exciting Visuals: Incorporating dynamic and exciting visual effects that enhance the viewing experience without overwhelming it.

Narrative and Drama

  • Storylines: Developing narratives around players and teams to create emotional investment and rivalry.
  • Clutch Moments: Highlighting high-stakes, high-skill moments that create excitement and suspense for viewers.

Broadcast Quality

  • Professional Commentary: Employing knowledgeable commentators who can explain the game’s intricacies and build excitement.
  • High Production Value: Investing in high-quality production, including multiple camera angles, replays, and engaging overlays.

5. Community Dynamics

The community plays a significant role in the growth and sustainability of esports games. Community dynamics include:

Player Engagement

  • Accessibility: Ensuring that the game is accessible to a broad audience through free-to-play models, cross-platform play, and robust tutorials.
  • Community Events: Hosting community events, tournaments, and content creation opportunities to keep players engaged.

Support Systems

  • Esports Organizations: Professional organizations that support players with training, management, and sponsorship.
  • Grassroots Initiatives: Encouraging grassroots tournaments and local leagues to foster a competitive environment at all levels.

Developer Involvement

  • Active Communication: Maintaining open lines of communication between developers and the community to address concerns, gather feedback, and implement improvements.
  • Sustained Support: Providing long-term support for the game through regular updates, new content, and community initiatives.

The Lifecycle of an Esports Game

Esports games typically follow a lifecycle from release to peak popularity and then into a mature phase. Understanding this lifecycle helps developers and organizations plan for the long-term success of the game.

1. Launch Phase

  • Initial Hype: Generating interest through marketing, beta tests, and early access.
  • Community Building: Establishing a player base and community through forums, social media, and events.

2. Growth Phase

  • Expanding Audience: Reaching out to broader audiences through tournaments, streams, and collaborations.
  • Balancing and Refining: Addressing balance issues and refining gameplay based on feedback and data.

3. Peak Popularity

  • Major Tournaments: Hosting high-profile tournaments with significant prize pools and media coverage.
  • Esports Ecosystem: Developing a robust ecosystem with professional teams, leagues, sponsors, and media partners.

4. Mature Phase

  • Sustained Engagement: Keeping the community engaged with regular updates, new content, and events.
  • Legacy and Transition: Planning for the game’s legacy, including potential sequels or spin-offs, and supporting long-term players and fans.

The theory of esports games involves a deep understanding of game design, competitive balance, player skills, spectator appeal, and community dynamics. These elements work together to create an engaging, fair, and exciting experience for both players and viewers. Successful esports titles maintain a balance between complexity and accessibility, ensuring that new players can join while experienced players have room to grow. With a strong community and continuous support from developers, these games can achieve long-lasting success in the dynamic world of competitive gaming.

1. League of Legends (LoL)


  • Genre: Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA)
  • Developer: Riot Games
  • Platform: PC


In League of Legends, two teams of five players each battle to destroy the opponent’s Nexus, the core building located in their base. Each player controls a “champion” with unique abilities. The game has a map called Summoner’s Rift, divided into three lanes and a jungle area.

Why It’s Popular

  • Strategic Depth: Players must work together, plan their moves, and use their champion’s abilities wisely.
  • Frequent Updates: Riot Games regularly updates the game with new champions, skins, and events.
  • Esports Scene: LoL has a massive competitive scene with events like the World Championship, which draws millions of viewers.

Notable Tournaments

  • World Championship (Worlds)
  • Mid-Season Invitational (MSI)
  • League of Legends Championship Series (LCS)


  • Regular updates keep the game fresh.
  • A large community of players.
  • High skill ceiling for competitive play.


  • Steep learning curve for new players.
  • Can be time-consuming to master.

2. Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS)


  • Genre: First-Person Shooter (FPS)
  • Developer: Valve Corporation
  • Platform: PC


CS is a team-based shooter where two teams, Terrorists and Counter-Terrorists, compete to complete objectives such as planting/defusing a bomb or rescuing hostages. Matches are played in rounds, and the first team to win a set number of rounds wins the match.

Why It’s Popular

  • Skill-Based: The game rewards precise aiming and quick reflexes.
  • Competitive Scene: CS has a rich history in esports, with many major tournaments and a dedicated fanbase.
  • Community Content: Players can create and share custom maps and mods.

Notable Tournaments

  • ESL One
  • Intel Extreme Masters (IEM)
  • PGL Major


  • Deep tactical gameplay.
  • Strong esports infrastructure.
  • Endless replayability with custom content.


  • High skill barrier for new players.
  • Toxicity in the community can be an issue.

3. Dota 2


  • Genre: Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA)
  • Developer: Valve Corporation
  • Platform: PC


Dota 2, like League of Legends, features two teams of five players. Each player controls a “hero” with unique skills and abilities. The goal is to destroy the enemy’s Ancient, a large structure located within their base.

Why It’s Popular

  • Complexity: Dota 2 is known for its deep mechanics and strategic depth.
  • Prize Pools: The game has some of the highest prize pools in esports, especially at The International.
  • Customization: Players can purchase and trade in-game cosmetics.

Notable Tournaments

  • The International
  • Dota Pro Circuit (DPC)
  • ESL One


  • Deep and complex gameplay.
  • Huge esports prize pools.
  • Regular updates and community involvement.


  • Very steep learning curve.
  • Games can be long and demanding.

4. Valorant


  • Genre: Tactical Shooter
  • Developer: Riot Games
  • Platform: PC


Valorant is a tactical shooter where two teams of five compete in various game modes, primarily focusing on planting or defusing a spike (bomb). Each player selects an “agent” with unique abilities to aid in combat.

Why It’s Popular

  • Blend of Styles: Combines elements of CSand Overwatch, appealing to fans of both.
  • Strategic Gameplay: Emphasizes team coordination and strategy.
  • Regular Updates: Frequent new agents, maps, and skins keep the game fresh.

Notable Tournaments

  • Valorant Champions Tour (VCT)
  • Valorant Masters
  • First Strike


  • Fresh take on the tactical shooter genre.
  • Strong developer support and updates.
  • Diverse character abilities add strategic depth.


  • Some balance issues with agents.
  • Requires a good team for full enjoyment.

5. Fortnite


  • Genre: Battle Royale
  • Developer: Epic Games
  • Platform: PC, Console, Mobile


In Fortnite, 100 players drop onto an island and fight to be the last person or team standing. Fortnite players must find weapons, build structures for defense, and navigate the shrinking safe zone to survive.

Why It’s Popular

  • Building Mechanic: Unique building mechanics add a layer of strategy.
  • Cross-Platform Play: Available on multiple platforms, allowing friends to play together regardless of their device.
  • Frequent Updates: Regular updates with new content, events, and collaborations.

Notable Tournaments

  • Fortnite World Cup
  • Fortnite Champion Series (FNCS)
  • DreamHack Open


  • Unique building gameplay.
  • Accessible to players on multiple platforms.
  • Constant updates and events.


  • Building mechanics can be challenging to master.
  • Competitive scene can be overwhelming for new players.

6. Call of Duty: Warzone


  • Genre: Battle Royale
  • Developer: Infinity Ward/Raven Software
  • Platform: PC, Console


Call of Duty: Warzone is a free-to-play battle royale game where up to 150 players compete to be the last one standing. Players can choose to play solo, duo, trio, or in a squad of four. The game features a vast map, a variety of weapons, and vehicles.

Why It’s Popular

  • Familiar Gameplay: Builds on the well-known Call of Duty mechanics.
  • Regular Updates: New content, maps, and modes keep the game interesting.
  • Cross-Platform Play: Allows players from different platforms to play together.

Notable Tournaments

  • Call of Duty League (CDL)
  • World Series of Warzone
  • Twitch Rivals: Warzone Showdown


  • Fast-paced and exciting gameplay.
  • Strong support from developers.
  • Cross-platform play.


  • Can be demanding on system resources.
  • High level of competition.

7. Apex Legends


  • Genre: Battle Royale
  • Developer: Respawn Entertainment
  • Platform: PC, Console, Mobile


Apex Legends is a battle royale game where 20 squads of three players each compete to be the last team standing. Players choose from various “legends,” each with unique abilities. The game emphasizes teamwork and strategic play.

Why It’s Popular

  • Unique Characters: Each legend has distinct abilities that can turn the tide of battle.
  • Fast-Paced Action: Combines quick gameplay with strategic elements.
  • Regular Updates: New legends, weapons, and events keep the game fresh.

Notable Tournaments

  • Apex Legends Global Series (ALGS)
  • Twitch Rivals
  • ESL Tournaments


  • Unique character abilities add depth.
  • Regular updates and new content.
  • Fast and fluid gameplay.


  • Some legends may feel overpowered.
  • Requires strong teamwork.

8. Rocket League


  • Genre: Sports/Action
  • Developer: Psyonix
  • Platform: PC, Console


Rocket League is a unique game that combines soccer with rocket-powered cars. Players control cars to hit a large ball into the opponent’s goal. Matches are typically 3v3, but there are also other modes with different team sizes.

Why It’s Popular

  • Easy to Learn, Hard to Master: Simple controls but deep mechanics.
  • Cross-Platform Play: Players can compete across different platforms.
  • Unique Concept: Combines sports and action in a fun and engaging way.

Notable Tournaments

  • Rocket League Championship Series (RLCS)
  • Rocket League Summit
  • DreamHack Pro Circuit


  • Unique and engaging gameplay.
  • Strong competitive scene.
  • Regular updates and events.


  • High skill ceiling for advanced play.
  • Can be repetitive for some players.

9. Rainbow Six Siege


  • Genre: Tactical Shooter
  • Developer: Ubisoft
  • Platform: PC, Console


Rainbow Six Siege is a tactical shooter where players take on the roles of various operators from different special forces. Teams are divided into attackers and defenders, each with unique abilities and gadgets. The game emphasizes strategy, planning, and teamwork.

Why It’s Popular

  • Strategic Depth: Requires careful planning and coordination.
  • Unique Operators: Each operator has unique gadgets and abilities.
  • Destructible Environments: Players can breach walls and floors to create new entry points.

Notable Tournaments

  • Six Invitational
  • Pro League
  • Major Tournaments


  • Deep strategic gameplay.
  • Unique and varied operators.
  • Regular updates and new content.


  • High learning curve.
  • Team coordination is crucial for success.

10. Overwatch 2


  • Genre: Team-Based Shooter
  • Developer: Blizzard Entertainment
  • Platform: PC, Console


Overwatch 2 is a team-based shooter where two teams of six players each select from a roster of heroes, each with unique abilities. The game focuses on objective-based gameplay, such as capturing points or escorting payloads.

Why It’s Popular

  • Diverse Heroes: Each hero offers a different playstyle and role.
  • Teamplay: Emphasizes coordination and teamwork.
  • Regular Updates: New heroes, maps, and events keep the game fresh.

Notable Tournaments

  • Overwatch League (OWL)
  • Overwatch Contenders
  • Community Tournaments


  • Wide variety of heroes and playstyles.
  • Strong focus on teamwork.
  • Regular updates and events.


  • Balance issues with heroes.
  • Requires strong team coordination.


Esports games have become a major part of the gaming world, with millions of players and viewers around the globe. The games listed above are some of the most popular and competitive titles in 2024. Each game offers unique gameplay experiences, from strategic MOBAs like League of Legends and Dota 2 to intense shooters like CS

and Valorant. Battle royale games like Fortnite and Apex Legends provide fast-paced action, while Rocket League and Overwatch 2 offer unique twists on traditional genres.

Whether you are a casual player or a competitive gamer, there is an esports game for you. These games not only offer fun and excitement but also opportunities to compete and improve your skills. With regular updates and thriving communities, these esports titles are sure to remain popular for years to come.