App monetization means making money from apps. Developers use different methods to earn money, like showing ads or selling in-app purchases. One of the newest and most exciting ways to do this is through playable ads.

What Are Playable Ads?

playable ads tutorial

Playable ads are a type of advertisement that lets users try a mini-version of a game or app before downloading it. Instead of just watching a video or seeing a banner, users can interact with the ad. This gives them a taste of the actual app experience.

The Rise of Playable Ads

Playable ads are becoming more popular because they offer a fun and interactive way to advertise apps. Instead of just watching a video or seeing a banner, users can actually try out a mini-version of the app or game. This makes the ads more engaging and enjoyable. As a result, more people are likely to download the app after playing the ad. This type of monetization is especially popular in the mobile gaming industry, but it has the potential to expand into other types of apps as well. By providing a better user experience and higher engagement, playable ads are set to become a key strategy for app developers looking to boost their revenue.

  1. User Engagement: Playable ads are more engaging because they are interactive. Users can play a short game or use a feature of the app, making the ad fun and interesting.
  2. Better Conversion Rates: Because users get a chance to try the app, they are more likely to download it. This increases the number of people who install the app after seeing the ad.
  3. Users Are Happy: These ads provide a better experience compared to traditional ads, which can be annoying. Playable ads are like a sneak peek, and users appreciate this approach.

Benefits for Developers

  1. Higher Revenue: Since playable ads have better conversion rates, developers can earn more money. More downloads mean more users, which often leads to higher revenue from in-app purchases or other ads.
  2. Targeted Audience: Playable ads attract users who are genuinely interested in the app. This means the audience is more likely to engage with the app in the long term, providing better value for developers.
  3. Brand Image: Offering a positive ad experience can improve the app’s reputation. Users are more likely to have a good impression of an app that uses engaging ads.


playable ads tutorial

Challenge Problem
Cost Creating playable ads can be more expensive than traditional ads. They require more effort and creativity to develop.
Technical Issues Playable ads need to work smoothly across different devices and platforms, which can be challenging for developers to ensure.
Measurement It can be harder to measure the success of playable ads compared to simpler ad formats. Developers need to track various metrics to understand their effectiveness.
  1. Increased Use: As more playable ads developers see the benefits, the use of playable ads is expected to grow. They may become a standard part of app marketing strategies.
  2. Innovation: We can expect more creative and advanced playable ads. With improvements in technology, these ads will become even more engaging and effective.
  3. Integration with Other Ads: Playable ads might be combined with other types of ads, like rewarded videos, where users get in-app rewards for interacting with the ad.

The Success of Playable Ads: A Case Study

Playable ads have transformed the world of app advertising, offering a new and engaging way for users to interact with apps before downloading them. This approach has proven particularly successful in the mobile gaming industry, where users can try out a game directly within the ad. One standout example of the success of playable ads is the mobile game “Homescapes” by Playrix. This case study will explore how “Homescapes” used playable ads to drive massive revenue and what made their strategy so effective.

Background: Homescapes and Playrix

“Homescapes” is a popular match-3 puzzle game developed by Playrix. Released in 2017, it quickly gained popularity due to its engaging gameplay and charming storyline. The game revolves around helping the main character, Austin, renovate his old family mansion by completing various match-3 levels. Players earn stars from these levels, which they then use to complete renovation tasks. The combination of puzzle-solving and home decoration appealed to a wide audience, making “Homescapes” a hit in the casual gaming market.

The Playable Ad Strategy

To boost downloads and revenue, Playrix decided to use playable ads. These ads allowed potential players to experience a mini-version of “Homescapes” directly within the advertisement. Here’s how Playrix implemented this strategy:

  1. Interactive Gameplay: The playable ads for “Homescapes” featured a short, interactive version of the game. Users could play a few levels of the match-3 puzzles and even get a glimpse of the home renovation aspect. This gave them a taste of the full game experience.
  2. Engaging Content: The ads were designed to be highly engaging and fun. They included colorful graphics, smooth animations, and simple instructions, making it easy for users to jump right in and start playing.
  3. Call to Action: At the end of the playable ad, users were prompted to download the full game. Since they had already experienced the fun and challenge of the game, they were more likely to click on the download button.
  4. Wide Reach: Playrix distributed these playable ads across various platforms, including social media, gaming apps, and ad networks. This ensured that they reached a large and diverse audience.

The Impact of Playable Ads

The use of playable ads had a significant impact on the success of “Homescapes.” Here are some of the key benefits and outcomes:

Higher Engagement

Playable ads are inherently more engaging than static banners or video ads. By allowing users to interact with the game, Playrix captured their attention and interest more effectively. This led to longer ad view times and higher engagement rates.

Increased Downloads

Because users could try the game before downloading it, they were more likely to install it. The interactive experience provided a clear demonstration of the game’s appeal, leading to a higher conversion rate. According to industry reports, Playrix saw a significant increase in downloads after implementing playable ads.

Improved User Quality

The users who downloaded “Homescapes” after interacting with a playable ad were more likely to be genuinely interested in the game. This meant they were more likely to continue playing, make in-app purchases, and contribute to the game’s revenue. Playable ads helped attract high-quality users who were more engaged and valuable in the long term.

Higher Revenue

The combination of increased downloads and improved user quality translated into higher revenue for Playrix. With more players engaging with the game and making in-app purchases, the company saw a substantial boost in its earnings. Playrix’s revenue from “Homescapes” grew significantly, making it one of the top-grossing mobile games.

Why Playable Ads Work

The success of “Homescapes” and its playable ads can be attributed to several factors:

  1. User Experience: Playable ads offer a better user experience compared to traditional ads. They are interactive and fun, making the ad itself enjoyable. This positive experience reflects well on the advertised game, encouraging users to download it.
  2. Effective Demonstration: Playable ads effectively demonstrate the core gameplay and features of the game. Users get a firsthand look at what they can expect, reducing uncertainty and increasing their likelihood of downloading the game.
  3. Targeted Advertising: Playable ads can be targeted to specific audiences based on their interests and behaviors. This ensures that the ads reach users who are most likely to be interested in the game, improving the chances of conversion.
  4. Data and Optimization: Playrix used data analytics to track the performance of their playable ads. By analyzing user behavior and engagement, they were able to optimize the ads for better results. This data-driven approach helped them continuously improve their ad strategy.

Lessons for Other Developers

playable ads

The success of “Homescapes” provides valuable lessons for other app developers looking to monetize their apps through playable ads:

  1. Invest in Quality: Creating high-quality playable ads is crucial. Investing in good design, smooth animations, and engaging content will make the ads more effective.
  2. Test and Optimize: Continuously test and optimize your playable ads based on performance data. Experiment with different ad formats, gameplay snippets, and calls to action to find what works best.
  3. Leverage Multiple Platforms: Distribute your playable ads across various platforms to reach a wider audience. Use social media, gaming apps, and ad networks to maximize your reach.
  4. Focus on User Experience: Make sure that the playable ad gives seamless and enjoyable time. A positive ad experience will leave a good impression and increase the chances of users downloading your app.

All in All

Playable ads are changing the way apps are monetized. They offer a fun and interactive way for users to discover new apps, leading to better engagement and higher revenues for developers. Despite some challenges, the future looks bright for playable ads as they take center stage in the world of app monetization. Do you want to implement such ads into your game? eJaw knows how. Get in touch to get more funds from your mobile games and apps. Yes, we know.