If you are thinking about developing your first game, it is important to choose the right engine that will be able to cover all your needs and desires in the game creation process. Unreal Engine vs Unity, for beginners there is a choice. Nowadays, there are so many game development engines and many beginners can easily get confused. Unity, Unreal Engine, Godot, Game Maker Studio, Source, RPG Maker, CryEngine, and dozens of other popular platforms are ready to help you in the development of your game. 

In today’s article, we will introduce you to all the advantages and disadvantages of Unity and Unreal Engine and help you to make the right decision.

Unity Overview

Unity’s standout feature is its ability to work across multiple platforms. It supports more than 25 platforms, like mobile, desktop, web, console, and others. This makes it a clear choice if you’re aiming for cross-platform development. This is especially true if you’re targeting mobile devices, considering that over 70% of mobile games are created using Unity.

For newcomers and those looking to enter the gaming world, Unity is the top pick. Its interface is user-friendly and easy to understand. It uses C# as its programming language, which is quite beginner-friendly. Plus, Unity gives you access to the Unity Asset Store. This is like a store where developers can create and sell 2D and 3D elements that make development faster and simpler.

Games Made With Unity

Unity is one of the most popular all-purpose game engines. It uses C# programming language which is easy for beginners to learn. Unity supports making games for phones, computers, video game consoles and more. Lots of mobile games are made with Unity.

Games made with unity

Unity Game Engine: Benefits And Challenges

Pros of Unity Game Development Cons of Unity Game Development
– User-friendly interface. – Complex scenes can affect game performance, requiring optimization.
– Abundance of tutorials and resources. BIG WEIGHT GAMES
– Offers courses for learning game development. I  – Games can be heavy in size, especially for mobile platforms.
– Support for both basic and advanced Unity use. – Heavyweight games can be memory-intensive on mobile devices.
– Unity supports over 25 platforms, expanding target audience. – Unity logo appears unless PRO version is purchased.
– Simplifies porting to different platforms.  

Consider the advantages and disadvantages of Unity for game development before making a choice.

Unreal Engine Overview

Unreal is a game-making tool that was first used for PC shooting games. But now, it’s super famous for creating really awesome games that look super cool. Is Unreal Engine free? Well, no.

The special thing about Unreal is that it makes games look super good, with amazing graphics and cool effects. It works on different types of devices like phones, computers, and game consoles.

Unreal uses a special kind of computer language called C++, which makes it work really well on different devices. It’s good for making games that look like they’re made by big companies.

Unreal is best for making really top-notch games that you play on computers and game consoles. It’s used a lot to show off how realistic games can look. Even though some big game makers use their own tools, Unreal is still a really popular way to make amazing games. Is Unreal better than Unity? We shall see.

Games Made With Unreal Engine

Unreal Engine excels at high-end 3D graphics on PC, PlayStation, Xbox and Switch. It uses C++ language for more advanced development. Unreal is free but charges 5% royalty after the first $1 million in game profits.

Games made with Unreal Engine

Unreal Engine Games: Pros And Cons

Here’s the information organized in a table format:

Advantages of Unreal Engine Disadvantages of Unreal Engine
1. Blueprint: Visual scripting called Bolt in Unity and Unreal Engine Blueprint for easier development and wider thinking. 

2. Post-Processing and Particle System: Offers tools for creating atmosphere, particle effects, and post-processing effects.

 3. Easy Multiplayer: Built-in multiplayer capabilities for creating network games. 

4. C++ Familiarity: Written in C++, easier for those familiar with the language. 

5. Rich Asset Collection: Supports various textures, realistic materials, real-time object changes, and lighting. 

6. Nanite and Lumen: New features in Unreal Engine 5 for photorealism and dynamic global illumination.**
1. High Requirements: Demanding in terms of system resources and storage. 

2. High Prices for Content: Store content can be expensive, with compatibility issues and limited selection compared to Unity. 

3. License and Taxes: Requires a licensed copy and a 5% tax on profitable games. 

4. Initial Complexity: Interface may appear complex for beginners, but becomes powerful with learning.

Unreal VS Unity: Common And Clash Points

We offer to look at Unity vs Unreal Engine differences and similarities. Unity and Unreal share similarities like cross-platform publishing, VR support and strong communities. But Unity favors beginner developers while Unreal suits professionals seeking cutting edge graphics:

Similarities Between Unity and Unreal Differences Between Unity and Unreal
1. Platform Support: Both engines support mobile, desktop, consoles, and more. 

2. Strong Communities: Both have large communities and abundant tutorials. 

3. Multiplayer and VR Support: Both engines support multiplayer and virtual reality. 

4. Asset Libraries: Both provide libraries for assets. 

5. Free with Conditions: Both engines are essentially free with certain conditions. 

6. AAA Graphics: Both engines can produce high-quality graphics. 

7. Cross-Platform Features: Unity excels in cross-platform capabilities. Unreal offers its own strengths.
1. Programming Language: Unity uses C#, while Unreal uses C++. 

2. Learning Complexity: C# in Unity is easier to learn than C++ in Unreal. 

3. Purpose and Scale: Unity (C#) is suited for mobile, web, and lighter desktop apps. Unreal (C++) excels in heavy, high-performance projects. 

4. Performance: Unreal (C++) has an advantage in heavy, large-scale projects.

Toe-to-toe: Unreal Engine VS Unity

So, Unreal or Unity for beginners:

Aspect Unity Unreal
Developed by Unity Technologies Epic Games
Written in C# (Unity Scripting API/Runtime) C++
Supported Platforms Mobile, Desktop, Web, Console, XR Mobile, Desktop, Console, VR/XR
Primary Audience Mobile, Niche, and Beginner Developers AAA Devs, Realism-focused Indie Teams
Ease of Use Easier, Especially for Beginners Steeper Learning Curve
20/30 Support Yes Limited for 20
AL Support Yes (ML-Agents Toolkit) Limited
VR/AR/XR Support Yes Yes
Cost Free (5% royalty after $100k/yr) Free (5% royalty after $1M/yr)
Graphics Quality Good Cutting-edge
Unity Asset Store Yes No direct equivalent

Game Development Learning Materials

unity app development

Once you select either Unity or Unreal as your initial game engine, the next urgent step is building skills quickly. Both platforms offer excellent free educational materials to gain competency fast:

Official Getting Started Guides

Don’t just dive blindly into a complex new software! Spend a few days orienting via the formal intro guides. Unity and Unreal walks first-timers through the exact proper sequence for tackling foundations.

These focused guides prepare you to extract maximum value from the wider documentation and community info out there next. Prioritize the manufacturers own manuals before anything else.

YouTube Channels Step-By-Step

Official channels like Unity Learn and Unreal Engine host tons of neatly organized video tutorial playlists for incremental skills growth. Early videos unpack interfaces and core logic. Later series teach specialized techniques like animation or AI systems.

Subscribing and looping back to rewatch opaque sections cements knowledge. Pausing to experiment with each concept before continuing is key. Checkpoints test comprehension before unlocking next steps.

In-Depth Courses to Specialize

Epic Games and Unity both offer interactive online courses drilling deeper into topics like mobile optimization, user interface design, virtual reality implementation and more. Most classes span 4-6 hours total working on a sample project.

Grabbing a seat in subject-specific courses tailors expansion of expertise across personal learning roadmaps. Continuing education fills any gaps not covered reinventing tutorial wheels alone.

Connecting with Experienced Mentors

After exhausting official materials, personalized coaching from generous veterans accelerates growth synthesizing and applying accumulated baseline knowledge.

Game creation Slack/Discord channels facilitate meeting experienced architects open to occasional questions. Most gladly provide bits of wisdom won through past trial and error. Access real practitioners in niche specialties like procedural content generation or localization support.

Alternatively trade mentoring in your skills for reciprocal engine coaching from fellow learners: two sets of eyes debug different assumptions.

Never stop learning every trick unlocking game ideas in Unity, Unreal and beyond! Tutorials, courses and mentors together build sound foundations for a lifelong craft. Now get out there and make something!

Accounting for Long Term Game Engine Expenses

Understanding the complete real-world costs of a game engine extends beyond just initial licensing. Here are key questions to research for realistic budgets:

Platform Distribution and Patching Fees

  • What percent revenue share does each platform take from game sales?
  • Are extra costs involved submitting updates after launch?
  • Do console makers charge for concept approval and certification?

While Unity and Unreal’s core engines are free, publishing games on closed platforms like iOS, Android, PlayStation, Xbox and Nintendo tap into sales with fees. Apple takes 30%! Console makers also charge thousands for concept approval and assigning age ratings.

Factor these future “platform taxes” into lifetime budgeting estimates. They really add up!

Team Size Considerations

  • Does engine choice support 1-person teams up to AAA studios?
  • At what team count do subscription costs become worthwhile?
  • What per seat licensing exists for additional contributors?

Lone indie devs likely use free engine tiers indefinitely. But 5-person teams may benefit upgrading to Plus/Pro monthly subscriptions for extra features and project slots. Beyond 10 developers, commercial annual contracts with per added seat pricing prove cost effective.

Allow for team growth capacity in engine licensing costs from the start to prevent surprise restricted growth down the road!

Future Proofing for Innovation

  • How committed are Unity/Epic to advancing core tech annually?
  • Does pricing entitle access to the newest bleeding edge features?
  • Can current hardware even run new releases short term?

Scan engine developer roadmaps to gauge how much they invest improving tools regularly. Both Unity and Unreal commit millions advancing graphics, physics, platform support and tools every year. Staying current opens more creativity possibilities – but likely demands hardware upgrades too on aggressive timelines!

Baking in headroom for next generation features avoids unexpected showstoppers derailing projects mid-development when trying new things.

Budgeting Beyond the Engine License

Accelerating concept to playable prototype starts optimizing all engine expenses early, not just the license. Calculate ancillary fees from multiple angles to future proof budgets, teams and innovation pipelines. Building these costs directly into initial funding secures freedom when every dollar drives creativity, not constraints!

Planning Ahead for Game Assets

Game engines like Unity and Unreal need 3D models and animations to build worlds. Getting ready for lots of assets saves issues later:

  1. 3D Art Creation Tips: Find guidelines for the engine to make models the right way from the start. Stuff like number of polygons, sizes of images, or materials settings. Making assets correctly the first time avoids delays or rework.
  2. Get Animation Files Right: Double check what file types the engine prefers for animation data, like FBX, Alembic etc. Test saving the same data in different levels of detail. Make it easy for later adding to games by picking the format and compression that runs smoothest.
  3. Organize Teams and Files: Use special tools to store and track lots of 3D art. Helps teams see all models, versions, notes. Links these databases directly into engines to update projects when new files are added automatically. No manual steps.
  4. Plan Visual Styles Ahead: Big games need consistency across countless assets. Make guides so all art follows similar styles and limits from the beginning. Custom tools can even auto check new 3D model exports to catch issues immediately for fixing.
  5. Allow Room to Grow: No matter how much assets estimated upfront, often more stuff piles up in mid-development. Both Unity and Unreal offer smart loading tricks to avoid slowdowns or storage problems as assets balloon.

Being ready for asset needs saves lost work fixing, updating and struggling with disorganized files. Smoother art pipelines keep the entire team’s progress on track.

Unity VS Unreal Engine Final Thoughts

Many novice developers with no experience of working on these platforms often say that Unity is only suitable for mobile games, and Unreal Engine is for creating serious AAA projects. It is not true. Both engines can be used for any purpose, they are similar in performance, and allow you to enjoy many useful features. Moreover, if you have worked with Unity, then the transition to UE will not be difficult. For designers and artists, it will be enough for a few days just to learn the basics of Unity or Unreal, many concepts are similar.

In this article, we have collected the most relevant advantages and weaknesses of Unity games and Unreal Engine. You just have to choose which engine is more suitable for your convenience. In our case, EJAW always chooses Unity game development for its gaming solutions.