Game Development Studio

Ejaw's Immersive AR Gaming

Ejaw’s Augmented Reality Game Development services are a comprehensive suite of offerings designed to create immersive and engaging gaming experiences that seamlessly blend the digital and physical worlds.

Full-Cycle AR Game Development

Our comprehensive approach covers every stage of AR game development, from concept and design to coding, testing, and deployment. We create AR experiences that seamlessly integrate with the real world.

Experienced Team

With over a decade of successful work in the mobile game development industry, our team of 100+ specialists possesses the skills and expertise to implement AR features that enhance gameplay.

Unity Engine Expertise

We specialize in developing AR games using the powerful Unity engine, allowing us to create highly interactive and visually appealing AR experiences.

Location-Based AR

We leverage location data to create AR games that adapt to players' surroundings, offering dynamic and context-aware gameplay.


Implement enticing in-app purchases and virtual goods that enhance the gaming experience. From exclusive AR items to customization options, our strategies create opportunities for players to invest in their virtual adventures.


Seamlessly integrate non-intrusive advertisements within AR experiences. Our strategies strike a balance between user engagement and ad placements, ensuring a revenue boost without compromising the immersive nature of AR gameplay.

Ejaw's AR: Gaming, Learning, and Exploration

Location-Based AR Games

Location-Based AR Games

Create games that use GPS and real-world data to provide location-specific AR experiences, such as scavenger hunts and geolocation challenges.

AR Puzzles and Adventure Games

AR Puzzles and Adventure Games

Craft AR games that blend puzzles and adventure elements, allowing players to explore and solve challenges in their physical environment.

AR Educational Games

AR Educational Games

Develop educational AR games that provide an interactive and informative learning experience through augmented reality.



Craft collaborative AR games for real-time interaction. Engage players in shared experiences, fostering community bonds within the augmented world.

Location-Based AR Games

Create games that use GPS and real-world data to provide location-specific AR experiences, such as scavenger hunts and geolocation challenges.

Want to create unity game with us?

Want to create unity game with us?

Let’s talk about Unity game development

AR Gaming Revolution

Explore our cutting-edge Augmented Reality Game Development. Immerse players in a fusion of reality and virtual worlds, delivering unforgettable experiences.

Seamless Integration

Seamlessly blend AR elements into the real world for a cohesive and engaging gaming experience.

Diverse Experiences

Craft a range of AR games, from interactive adventures to educational journeys, catering to diverse player interests.

Platform Expertise

Leverage our Unity engine expertise to create visually stunning and interactive AR games compatible with iOS and Android platforms.

Real-world Interaction

Develop location-based AR games that adapt to players' surroundings, offering dynamic and context-aware gameplay.


How does Augmented Reality enhance the gaming experience in AR Game Development?

Augmented Reality enhances the gaming experience by overlaying virtual elements on the real world, allowing players to interact with virtual objects in their physical environment.

Can you provide examples of AR technologies used in AR Game Development?

AR technologies include marker-based AR, markerless AR, location-based AR, and object recognition, which are used to create various AR experiences.

What are the benefits of AR games for players and developers?

AR games offer players a unique and immersive experience, while developers have the opportunity to create innovative and engaging games that leverage the real world.

    Estonia, Tallin
    Maakri 23a, Tallinn, 10145 Estonia
    USA, Dover
    8 The Green, Dover, DE 19901, USA