Game Development Studio

Playable Advertising


1. What is Playable Advertising?

Playable advertising is a type of interactive ad that lets users try out a mini-version of a game or app directly within the ad itself. Unlike traditional ads that are static images or videos, playable ads provide a hands-on experience. This means users can interact with the ad and get a feel for the gameplay or functionality of the app before deciding to download it.

For example, if a company is promoting a new puzzle game, the playable ad might include a short puzzle that users can solve. This gives potential players a sense of the game’s mechanics and whether they find it enjoyable. If they like the experience, they are more likely to download the full game.

Another example could be a shopping app. The playable ad might allow users to browse a limited selection of products, add items to a cart, and see how the checkout process works. This gives users a preview of the app’s features and usability, helping them decide if they want to download the full version.

Playable ads are effective because they engage users more than traditional ads. Instead of passively watching a video or looking at an image, users actively participate in the ad. This interactivity can lead to higher engagement rates and better conversion rates, meaning more users will download the app after trying the playable ad.

In addition to games and shopping apps, playable ads can be used for various types of apps. For instance, a fitness app might have a playable ad that lets users try out a quick workout routine, or a music app might allow users to play a sample song. The key idea is to give users a brief, interactive experience that showcases the main features and benefits of the app.

Overall, playable advertising is a powerful tool for app developers and marketers. It provides an engaging way to attract new users by letting them experience the app firsthand before making the decision to download.

2. Playable Marketing

Playable marketing is an effective strategy for promoting mobile games and apps using interactive ads, known as playable ads. These ads allow users to try out a mini-version of the game or app directly within the ad. This hands-on experience offers several benefits that make playable marketing stand out.

One major advantage of playable marketing is increased user engagement. Unlike traditional ads that users passively watch or look at, playable ads require users to interact with them. This active participation captures users’ attention more effectively and keeps them engaged longer. For example, a playable ad for a new puzzle game might include a short puzzle for users to solve, giving them a taste of the actual gameplay.

Another key benefit is better conversion rates. When users can try out an app or game before downloading it, they are more likely to download it if they enjoy the experience. This “try-before-you-buy” approach helps to attract users who are genuinely interested in the app. For instance, a playable ad for a fitness app might let users try a quick workout, making them more likely to download the full app if they find the workout useful and fun.

Playable marketing also provides valuable insights into user behavior. By analyzing how users interact with the playable ad, marketers can gather data on what features and aspects of the app are most appealing. This information can be used to optimize marketing efforts and improve product development strategies. For example, if users spend more time on certain features within the playable ad, developers can focus on enhancing those features in the full app.

In summary, playable marketing is a powerful tool for promoting mobile games and apps. It increases user engagement by providing an interactive experience, leads to better conversion rates by allowing users to try the app before downloading, and offers valuable insights into user behavior to refine marketing and development strategies. This approach helps app developers and marketers attract and retain more users effectively.

3. Playable Creative

Creating high-quality playable creative is essential for a successful playable ad campaign. Playable creative refers to the interactive elements within an ad that allow users to try out a mini-version of a game or app. This hands-on experience can significantly boost engagement and conversions.

Our team of experienced playable ads developers uses advanced game engines and technologies to craft these engaging and interactive ad units. They work with tools like Unity, HTML5, and Cocos Creator to build high-quality playable ads that capture user attention and encourage them to try your product.

Unity is a popular game engine known for its versatility and powerful features. Our developers use Unity to create detailed and immersive playable ads. For example, if you are promoting a new action game, a playable ad developed in Unity can offer users a small taste of the gameplay, with smooth graphics and responsive controls that mimic the full game experience.

HTML5 is another key technology we leverage for playable ads. It is widely compatible with different devices and platforms, ensuring that your ad reaches a broad audience. HTML5 is particularly useful for creating lightweight ads that load quickly and run smoothly on any device. For instance, a playable ad for a casual mobile game can be easily created with HTML5, offering users a quick and fun interaction without long loading times.

Cocos Creator is a powerful game development tool that excels in creating 2D and 3D content. Our developers use Cocos Creator to build visually appealing and interactive playable ads. For example, a puzzle game ad created with Cocos Creator can feature engaging animations and intuitive gameplay mechanics that draw users in and make them want to download the full game.

By leveraging these technologies, our team ensures that your playable ads are not only engaging but also high-performing. The goal is to provide users with an enjoyable and memorable experience that leads them to download your app or game. High-quality playable creative is key to achieving this, as it effectively showcases the best features of your product and entices users to try it out.

In summary, creating high-quality playable creative involves using advanced game engines and technologies to develop interactive ad units. Our experienced developers use Unity, HTML5, and Cocos Creator to craft ads that capture user attention and encourage downloads. This approach ensures that your playable ad campaign is successful in engaging users and driving conversions.

Turn our leading playable templates development into your next successful brand experience!

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Our demo games

Our playable marketing campaigns have helped numerous clients achieve remarkable results. Check out some of our recent playable ads examples to see the quality and creativity we bring to every project:

The Power of Playable Advertising with eJaw

Ejaw specializes in creating reproducible mobile games, which are interactive advertisements that engage users within the gaming experience. Instead of just watching ads, players can interact with them by playing short mini-games or completing interactive levels. This method, known as playable advertising, is very effective for promoting mobile games and apps. It keeps users engaged and interested, making them more likely to remember and use the promoted products. Playable ads offer many benefits, such as higher user engagement, better ad recall, and an overall more enjoyable experience for users. By combining fun gameplay with advertising, Ejaw helps brands reach their target audiences in a unique and effective way.


User Engagement

Playable ads allow users to interact directly with your product, creating a more captivating and memorable experience. This hands-on engagement captures users' attention more effectively than traditional ads. As a result, playable ads lead to higher engagement rates, as users are more likely to spend time with and remember the interactive content. This increased interaction not only boosts user interest but also enhances the likelihood of them downloading or using your app or game. Overall, playable ads are a powerful tool for achieving better user engagement and driving higher conversion rates.


Better Conversion Rates

Users who can try before they buy are more likely to convert into paying customers. Playable ads provide this opportunity by letting users experience a sample of your game or app. This hands-on preview gives them a better understanding of what your product offers, increasing their confidence in making a purchase. As a result, playable ads lead to better conversion rates, as users who enjoy the demo are more inclined to download and invest in the full version. This approach effectively turns interested users into committed customers.


Valuable User Insights

Playable ads provide valuable data on user behavior and engagement. By analyzing how users interact with these ads, you can gain insights into what features and aspects of your game or app are most appealing. This information allows you to optimize your marketing efforts, targeting what resonates most with users. Additionally, these insights can guide product development, helping you improve and refine your app based on real user feedback. Overall, playable ads offer crucial information that can enhance both your marketing strategies and product quality.


Valuable User Data

Playable ads provide valuable user data, including engagement metrics and gameplay analytics. This data reveals how users interact with your ad, highlighting which features capture their interest. By analyzing these insights, you can inform future marketing strategies, tailoring campaigns to what resonates best with users. Additionally, this data can guide product development, helping you enhance and refine your game or app based on actual user behavior. Overall, playable ads offer crucial information that can significantly improve both your marketing efforts and product development.

User-Centric Design

User-Centric Design

Ejaw focuses on making games that users love. Their user-centric design means they create games based on what the target audience likes and enjoys. This approach makes sure the games connect well with users and keep them engaged. By understanding and catering to user preferences, Ejaw builds a strong bond between the brand and its audience. This not only makes users happy but also encourages them to stay loyal to the brand. Overall, Ejaw’s user-focused design helps create a better experience for players.


Unity Playable Ads

Ejaw specializes in creating playable ads using Unity, a versatile platform known for its interactive capabilities. With Unity, Ejaw delivers high-quality, engaging ads that perfectly align with the objectives of different brands. These ads are not only fun for users but also highly effective in achieving marketing goals. Ejaw's expertise ensures that each playable ad is crafted with attention to detail, combining creativity and advanced technology. This makes their ads stand out in the crowded advertising space. By using Unity, Ejaw can create dynamic and interactive ads that captivate audiences, leading to better user engagement and increased brand success.

Types of Playable Ads

Game Demos with Playable Ads

Game Demos with Playable Ads

Game demos are a popular form of playable ads, especially in the mobile gaming industry. These ads let users try out a part of the game, usually the first level or a sample of the gameplay mechanics. By giving players a taste of the actual gameplay, game demos effectively encourage them to download the full version.

Here are some examples of how game demos work:

  • First Level Playthrough: Users can play the first level of the game. This gives them a sense of the game's style, controls, and basic objectives. If they enjoy the experience, they are more likely to download the full game.
  • Sample Gameplay Mechanics: Players can try out specific game mechanics, like solving a puzzle, completing a mission, or battling enemies. This sample helps them understand how the game works and whether they find it fun and engaging.
  • Mini-Challenges: Game demos often include mini-challenges or tasks that are quick and fun to complete. These challenges give players a sense of accomplishment and leave them wanting more.
  • Limited Time Trials: Some demos offer a limited time to play the game. For example, users might get five minutes to explore the game's world or complete a level. This creates a sense of urgency and excitement, encouraging players to download the full game to continue playing.
  • Story Previews: A demo might include a preview of the game's story, introducing key characters and plot points. This can hook players and make them curious about what happens next, motivating them to get the full game.

Playable Product Trials

Playable Product Trials

For non-gaming apps and services, product trials are an effective way to showcase features and functionality. These playable ads simulate the actual user experience, allowing potential customers to interact with key features before committing to a download or purchase.

Here are some examples of how product trials work:

  • Interactive Tutorials: Users can go through a tutorial that highlights the app's main features. This step-by-step guide helps them understand how the app works and what it offers.
  • Feature Demos: Potential customers can try out specific features of the app. For example, a photo editing app might let users edit a sample photo to see the editing tools in action.
  • Simulated User Experience: The ad might simulate the actual user interface, allowing users to navigate through the app as if they had already downloaded it. This gives them a feel for the app's design and ease of use.
  • Limited Access Trials: Users get temporary access to certain parts of the app. For instance, a fitness app might offer a free workout or a meditation session to give users a taste of what they can expect.
  • Interactive Previews: The ad provides interactive previews of the app's functionality. For example, a finance app might show how to track expenses or create a budget, allowing users to try these features before downloading the app.

Interactive Videos with Playable Elements

Interactive Videos with Playable Elements

Interactive videos blend traditional video advertising with playable elements. Users can engage with interactive hotspots or mini-games within the video, creating a more immersive

Interactive videos blend traditional video advertising with playable elements. Users can engage with interactive hotspots or mini-games within the video, creating a more immersive and memorable experience.

Here are some examples of how interactive videos work:

  • Clickable Hotspots: Users can click on different parts of the video to learn more about specific products or features. For example, in a fashion video, clicking on an outfit might show more details or allow the user to purchase it directly.
  • Mini-Games: Within the video, users can play short games related to the ad's content. For example, a video for a car brand might include a mini-racing game where users can test drive the car virtually.
  • Interactive Storylines: Users can make choices that affect the outcome of the video. This "choose your own adventure" style keeps viewers engaged and interested in seeing different outcomes.
  • Quizzes and Polls: The video might include quizzes or polls where users can answer questions or provide feedback. This interactive element makes the ad feel more personalized and engaging.
  • Virtual Try-Ons: For products like makeup or glasses, the video might allow users to virtually try on the product using their device's camera. This makes the ad more interactive and fun.
and memorable experience. Here are some examples of how interactive videos work: Clickable Hotspots: Users can click on different parts of the video to learn more about specific products or features. For example, in a fashion video, clicking on an outfit might show more details or allow the user to purchase it directly. Mini-Games: Within the video, users can play short games related to the ad's content. For example, a video for a car brand might include a mini-racing game where users can test drive the car virtually. Interactive Storylines: Users can make choices that affect the outcome of the video. This "choose your own adventure" style keeps viewers engaged and interested in seeing different outcomes. Quizzes and Polls: The video might include quizzes or polls where users can answer questions or provide feedback. This interactive element makes the ad feel more personalized and engaging. Virtual Try-Ons: For products like makeup or glasses, the video might allow users to virtually try on the product using their device's camera. This makes the ad more interactive and fun.

Playable Ads Gamified Experiences

Playable Ads Gamified Experiences

Gamified experiences incorporate game mechanics into playable ads, even for non-gaming products or services. By introducing elements like challenges, rewards, or scoreboards, these ads tap into the psychological motivations that make games so engaging.

Here are some examples of how gamified experiences work:

  • Challenges: Users are given tasks or challenges to complete within the ad. For example, a fitness app might have users complete a short workout challenge. Successfully completing the challenge can make users more interested in downloading the full app.
  • Rewards: Ads might offer rewards for interaction, such as discounts, coupons, or points. For example, a coffee shop ad might give users a discount code after they complete a virtual barista challenge.
  • Scoreboards: Ads can include scoreboards that display users' scores and rankings. For example, an educational app might have users take a quiz and then show how their scores compare to others. This can motivate users to improve their scores and engage more with the app.
  • Progress Bars: Showing users their progress can encourage them to complete an activity. For instance, a financial planning app might show a progress bar as users input their financial information, motivating them to finish setting up their profile.
  • Virtual Badges: Users can earn virtual badges for completing specific actions. For example, a travel app might award badges for exploring different destinations within the ad. Collecting badges can be fun and rewarding, encouraging users to download the app to earn more.

Game Demos with Playable Ads

Game demos are a popular form of playable ads, especially in the mobile gaming industry. These ads let users try out a part of the game, usually the first level or a sample of the gameplay mechanics. By giving players a taste of the actual gameplay, game demos effectively encourage them to download the full version.

Here are some examples of how game demos work:

  • First Level Playthrough: Users can play the first level of the game. This gives them a sense of the game's style, controls, and basic objectives. If they enjoy the experience, they are more likely to download the full game.
  • Sample Gameplay Mechanics: Players can try out specific game mechanics, like solving a puzzle, completing a mission, or battling enemies. This sample helps them understand how the game works and whether they find it fun and engaging.
  • Mini-Challenges: Game demos often include mini-challenges or tasks that are quick and fun to complete. These challenges give players a sense of accomplishment and leave them wanting more.
  • Limited Time Trials: Some demos offer a limited time to play the game. For example, users might get five minutes to explore the game's world or complete a level. This creates a sense of urgency and excitement, encouraging players to download the full game to continue playing.
  • Story Previews: A demo might include a preview of the game's story, introducing key characters and plot points. This can hook players and make them curious about what happens next, motivating them to get the full game.

Want to create unity game with us?

Want to create unity game with us?

Let’s talk about Unity game development

Our Playable Ads Development Services

At eJaw, we have a dedicated team of experienced playable ads developers who are proficient in using various game engines and technologies. Our developers bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to each project, ensuring that we create engaging and high-quality playable ads. Our team's skills encompass a wide range of tools and platforms, enabling us to deliver top-notch interactive experiences tailored to meet the specific needs of our clients.

Mobile Playable Ads

At eJaw, we specialize in creating mobile playable ads that engage users and showcase app features. Our process begins with understanding the client’s goals and target audience. We then design a compelling storyboard that highlights key app functionalities. Using advanced game engines and technologies, our skilled developers create interactive, bite-sized game demos. These playable ads are optimized for seamless performance on mobile devices, ensuring a smooth user experience. We incorporate feedback loops and conduct thorough testing to refine the ad. The final product is a captivating, high-quality playable ad that effectively drives user interest and app downloads.

HTML5 Playable Ads

At eJaw, we create HTML5 playable ads that captivate users and highlight app features. We begin by understanding the client’s objectives and target audience. Next, we design an engaging storyboard that showcases key functionalities. Using HTML5 technology, our talented developers build interactive, bite-sized demos. These ads are optimized for excellent performance across various devices and browsers, ensuring a smooth user experience. Incorporating feedback and conducting rigorous testing, we refine the ad to perfection. The result is a high-quality, interactive HTML5 playable ad that effectively engages users and drives app downloads.

AdMob Playable Ads

At eJaw, we specialize in crafting AdMob playable ads designed to captivate users and highlight app features effectively. Our process begins with a deep understanding of our client’s goals and target audience. We meticulously design engaging storyboards that showcase the app's key functionalities. Leveraging AdMob's platform, our skilled developers create interactive, bite-sized demos that are optimized for seamless performance across mobile devices. We incorporate user feedback and conduct rigorous testing to ensure optimal engagement and functionality. The end result is a compelling AdMob playable ad that not only engages users effectively but also drives significant app downloads and user interaction.

Playable Ads Google

At eJaw, we specialize in crafting Google Playable Ads that effectively engage users and highlight app features. Our approach begins with a thorough understanding of our client’s objectives and target audience. We meticulously design compelling storyboards that showcase the app's key functionalities. Utilizing Google's platform, our skilled developers create interactive, bite-sized demos optimized for seamless performance across various devices. We incorporate user feedback and conduct rigorous testing to ensure optimal engagement and functionality. The result is a high-impact Google Playable Ad that not only captures user attention but also drives significant app downloads and enhances overall user interaction.

Cocos Creator Playable Ads

At eJaw, we specialize in making Cocos Creator Playable Ads that effectively engage users and highlight app features. Our process begins with a thorough understanding of our client’s objectives and target audience. We meticulously design captivating storyboards that showcase the app's key functionalities. Leveraging the power of Cocos Creator, our skilled developers create interactive, bite-sized demos tailored for seamless performance across different platforms. We integrate user feedback and conduct rigorous testing to ensure optimal engagement and functionality. The end result is a dynamic Cocos Creator Playable Ad that not only grabs user attention but also drives significant app downloads and enhances overall user interaction.

Playable Ads Unity

At eJaw, we excel in creating Unity Playable Ads that effectively engage users while showcasing app features. Our process starts with a comprehensive understanding of our client's goals and target audience. We meticulously design engaging storyboards that highlight the app's core functionalities. Leveraging the robust capabilities of Unity, our skilled developers craft interactive and immersive playable demos. These ads are optimized for seamless performance across various platforms and devices, ensuring a compelling user experience. We integrate user feedback and conduct thorough testing to refine each ad, ensuring they drive significant app downloads and enhance user engagement effectively.

Facebook Playable Ads

At eJaw, we specialize in developing Facebook Playable Ads that engage users effectively and highlight app features. Our process begins with a detailed understanding of our client's objectives and target audience. We design captivating storyboards that showcase the app's key functionalities tailored for Facebook's platform. Utilizing Facebook's interactive ad format, our skilled developers create immersive, bite-sized demos optimized for seamless performance across devices. We incorporate user feedback and conduct rigorous testing to ensure optimal engagement and functionality. The result is a compelling Facebook Playable Ad that not only attracts user interest but also drives significant app downloads and boosts user interaction.


Playable Ads Development

We specialize in the creation and development of engaging and interactive playable ads that captivate audiences and enhance user engagement.

Playable Mobile Ads

Our focus is on crafting playable mobile ads that effectively engage users on their mobile devices.

Playable Game Ads

We create interactive ads tailored to the gaming environment, enhancing the user experience and driving interest in products and services.

Luna Playable Ads

We specialize in developing Luna-compatible playable ads, extending your reach to a broader audience on this platform.

Create Playable Ads

We guide you through the process of creating customized and attention-grabbing playable ads to meet your advertising objectives.

Playable Ads Games

We explore the world of playable ads in games, helping you understand how to integrate them into your gaming campaigns effectively.

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